Posts tagged love
Christmas Message 2020

Love is one of those wonders that God has given us to declare Him. God is love and love is the glue that binds relationships to create unity, build peace, and bring satisfaction to our souls. Of all the negative things we can experience in the world, love can overcome them all. It gives us purpose and a reason to wake up and get up each day. It is love that keeps us moving in times of difficulty. It is love that causes us to set aside selfishness and become servants. Love in all its forms is the greatest indicator of the mark of God. When you find someone, who loves others and serves them with sacrifice you have found someone who knows God in harmonious relationship:

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Love, Marriage and Culture

This is not to say that traditions are always negative, in fact many of them good, but we must weigh them and hold them accountable to a greater authority and a better culture. Where human tradition comes against a choice for love and life guaranteed by God’s Word, traditions and personal ambitions must bow to the King…

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Honour and Obedience

The word submit seems to carry so many negatives, yet we urge you to read on and read the entire teaching from Ephesians 5:21-33, and perhaps in a more modern translation of the Bible. In the context of the entire passage, a wife has absolutely nothing to fear in accepting a husband’s headship if he cooperates to serve and honour his wife as Christ serves and loves His church.

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Conflict Resolution

Even when we have left self behind and learnt the importance of giving and honouring our spouse above ourselves, self-interest will often try to resurrect itself, and there is no time more likely for this unwelcome visitor than when issues arise and differences surface. In this environment, self tries to dominate again resulting in competition replacing our hard won cooperation. 

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The Vow and The Promise

What a very special day! Joy, excitement, anticipation and perhaps a measure of nervousness. It has been in the planning for months and the couple and their families have all been busy in an attempt to produce a spectacle of epic proportions, a monumental drama. From the dress to the first dance and everything in between - it has to be perfect.

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Is there a Joseph in the house?

Joseph, the understated character in the story of the Nativity was in fact a truly amazing example of what pleases God in a husband and father. Today we would like to present this unexpected man of excellence to you. We hope it will be a worthy prelude to some teaching on the role of the husband within the marriage covenant.

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The Journey Begins

When companies want great transformations they spend a lot of time in planning and marketing the change. They write mission statements and strategy documents running into hundreds of pages to attempt to define and communicate the intent. In Genesis 2:24 God presents His mission statement and the key steps of His plan for Marriage in this one verse.

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