Posts tagged family

Most of us want to leave behind a worthy legacy. We would like others to remember us after our passing and celebrate our lives as role models or heroes of our generation. For those of us who call Christ ‘Saviour,’ two paths stand before us. We can live our lives seeking the adoration of others, or we can live to serve others and leave a legacy that glorifies God.


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When anger becomes an addiction

If you have been on the receiving end of rage and an uncontrolled temper, you will know how painful this can be. We can testify from personal experience that even a verbal assault from someone who is ‘out of control’ results in emotional pain that is so intense it can also create a physical pain that is totally overwhelming. The angry person may be able to step back into control quickly, and may then be apologetic about the temper, yet you are still bleeding. There is nothing positive or justifiable in a rage response.

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Love, Marriage and Culture

This is not to say that traditions are always negative, in fact many of them good, but we must weigh them and hold them accountable to a greater authority and a better culture. Where human tradition comes against a choice for love and life guaranteed by God’s Word, traditions and personal ambitions must bow to the King…

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Family Worship and the Power of Blessing

Give your teenagers much more of a say in what happens in family time. Let them engage you as much as you try to engage them. As family members move toward adulthood, it’s important that we learn and share together and that you honour their growing maturity. Family worship should be a source of victory for you and your family over every negative influence and challenge.

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