Being Remembered

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For God, the Faithful One, is not unfair. How can he forget the work you have done for him? He remembers the love you demonstrate as you continually serve his beloved ones for the glory of his name.

Hebrews 6:10 (TPT)

Most of us would like to leave a legacy.  We would like to think that others would remember us and celebrate our lives as role models or heroes of our generation.  Perhaps building such a legacy is the evidence of a life of value and purpose.  For some, the goal is celebrity status. The desire to be remembered is so strong that some will focus much of their lives in trying to build a popularity and a following that ensures they will not be forgotten. For others, the desire is to leave behind an example that would lead others to act and perform in ways that show an ambition centred around service and selfless giving.  Whatever your motivation, the truth is that most of us will not be remembered on a scale that produces a popular following. For every global figure of heroic service there are many who have made similar contributions yet remain unrecognised.  Each of those heroes that we have honoured and built up as a legacy and as examples worthy of remembrance are a point of contact for us to celebrate the thousands upon thousands who will never be identified in the same way.  

We remember spending many years working in institutions where we sought to make a difference and perhaps you can identify with this.  We worked to effect positive change, performing above every reasonable expectation, targeting our effort toward improving the welfare of others and the functioning of the organisation. A few years after leaving the workplace you sometimes look back and discover that everything you built was gone – it is as though you had never been there.  Does it mean that the effort was wasted and the legacy is lost? If your motive was to become famous and a celebrated idol then perhaps the effort was in vain. If your motive was service, then absolutely nothing has been lost because it is all about the moment, it is about today - right now.  If we have made a positive impact today that has produced a benefit, then this is what matters.  Whether in my work or in my personal life, now is the moment of impact when something good has happened.  It may fade quickly from people's memory, but it has already born its fruit and fully accomplished its purpose. It remains valuable because it is an imitation of the character of Christ and when we imitate Him, nothing is ever lost or without eternal value.  

There was never any doubt that Jesus himself would become a global figure, yet His specific request to be remembered focused on the single most important event that declared His purpose – the cross. As a Christian we would readily declare that everything Christ did and said was highly significant. Yet His actions during the last supper made sure that those who remember Him would understand above everything else the victory of His coming.  As the apostle Paul explains to the church at Corinth: 

I have handed down to you what came to me by direct revelation from the Lord himself. The same night in which he was handed over, he took bread and gave thanks. Then he distributed it to the disciples and said, “Take it and eat your fill. It is my body, which is given for you. Do this to remember me.” He did the same with the cup of wine after supper and said, “This cup seals the new covenant with my blood. Drink it—and whenever you drink this, do it to remember me.”  

1 Corinthians 11 23-25 (TPT) 

We should aim to be a positive witness in whatever we do and hopeful that our influence will benefit others. We may not become a global legend, but our legacy always lasts in the lives of those we have loved.  Surely, we should aim to take advantage of every opportunity to build positive experiences, to become a witness and a hero to our spouse, our family and to others with whom we build a close relationship.  Let them delight in the memory of you.  And when all who would remember you have gone; it does not matter. If people in the future do not know your story it should not concern you.  Your purpose is to be a living testimony through every moment, to influence those around you, and in that you have immense value. As a follower of Christ your satisfaction is even greater. On the day you meet Him – He will remember you and all you have accomplished.  What more do you need? 

Steve and Khanya

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