Posts tagged couple
A Spiritual Key for a Successful Marriage

When a couple works together to achieve unity, they submit to each other in love and encourage each other by learning and sharing. They navigate the rocky places by learning to put each other first and serve. This is very much part of Gods plan and His deep desire for us (Mark 10:7-8). Although many may agree with the message of selfless service and have a willingness to pursue it in their marriage, progress can be slow, and laboured. At times we wonder how, despite the knowledge of God’s purpose we remain for years trying to overcome disagreement, anchored in an unwelcome state where conflict still exists, and self continues to rise up within us demanding attention.

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Love, Marriage and Culture

This is not to say that traditions are always negative, in fact many of them good, but we must weigh them and hold them accountable to a greater authority and a better culture. Where human tradition comes against a choice for love and life guaranteed by God’s Word, traditions and personal ambitions must bow to the King…

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