Christmas Message 2020

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Knowing God and The Revelation of Joy:  

A love letter to you in this season, and a declaration of our faith. 

As God is three persons in one; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, it would be wise for the person believing in the God of the Bible to conclude that He is all about relationship, that He must be the very essence of it and that within relationship, his desire is for agreement such as we see at work in the Holy Trinity – a sharing that results in the pursuit of destiny in a sweet cooperation. God wants us to demonstrate this harmony in all our relationships as a victorious declaration that He is our Father, and we carry within us His character and His identity. We were created for relationship with our God and with each other. I can imagine that shout in heaven as Father, Son and Holy Spirit announce together in unison the pleasure of seeing their children working in unity, imitating the very heart of God, witnessing to everyone and everything that our God reigns. We carry within us this capacity to reveal God’s character as an image-bearer. Writing to you today our declaration and belief is that this ability to reflect Him extends to everyone, everywhere regardless of whether we accept Him or refuse to acknowledge Him, because as creator, everyone is marked by his touch, fashioned in His likeness. If God created us to reveal Him and His nature, and to participate in a productive and enjoyable relationship with Him then the freedom to choose Him or reject Him is undeniable. Relationship requires such freedom. We know from the world around us that personal relationship without choice is an empty and valueless thing. There is never satisfaction in an orchestrated one-sided relationship. The God of the Bible is pursuing you in love, and He cries out ‘Here I Am’ and everything He does works to lead you gently to a place of willing acceptance. 

Love is one of those wonders that God has given us to declare Him. God is love, and love is the glue that binds relationships to create unity, build peace, and bring satisfaction to our souls. Of all the negative things we can experience in the world, love can overcome them all. It gives us purpose and a reason to wake up and get up each day. It is love that keeps us moving in times of difficulty. It is love that causes us to set aside selfishness and become servants. Love in all its forms is the greatest indicator of the mark of God. When you find someone, who loves others and serves them with sacrifice you have found someone who knows God.

Those who are loved by God, let his love continually pour from you to one another, because God is love. Everyone who loves is fathered by God and experiences an intimate knowledge of him. 

1 John 4:7 (TPT) 

We encourage you to seek Him out so that you can experience not only the shadow of Him as a part of His creation, but rather the fullness of Him in the revelation that comes from personal fellowship. Then you can stand in awe, letting His love overwhelm you. Jesus told His disciples that after leaving them to return to His Father in heaven, He would send them the helper, the Holy Spirit who would teach those who follow Him and lead them into all truth. In this season when we long for fellowship and celebrate Christmas in small groups, or even alone at home, let us encourage you to invite the Holy Spirit into your circumstance and share fellowship with the helper, the encourager. He is also the gift-giver who brings love gifts with Him:  

But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: 

joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. 

Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless. 

Galatians 5:22-23 (TPT) 

Whilst we all can demonstrate such gifts to each other, the touch of the Holy Spirit brings a spiritual dimension that exceeds the boundaries of the physical. We want to mention one of them in the final part of this special message. Joy that overflows. We believe it is no accident that from the fruit of love this one is listed first – Joy

‘Joy’ might be described as, delight, or an abiding feeling of happiness. That we can have happiness as a feeling is a wonderful gift, yet the spiritual dimension of Joy goes far deeper. Joy is not simply a word describing an emotion. We try to get a sense of it by using the word ‘abiding’ to show that it is something that lasts – this interpretation still falls short. As a fruit of the Spirit that is available to those who believe, Joy is certainly abiding, but Joy is not happiness on steroids. Joy is that complete assurance and satisfaction we have in the sovereignty and the faithfulness of God – that in every circumstance He is for us and not against us, that He is Father and that we are safe as His beloved children who hide in Him. Joy can reign in every situation because even when we are sad, or in pain, it is the assurance we have in our rock and saviour that keeps us standing and satisfies our souls. Having Joy does not always mean feeling happy, but it does mean being at peace with the absolute sovereignty of the creator. Yet, such assurance requires a trust that comes from relationship, so again we encourage you to reach out and get to know Jesus who has made God real to us and who came to the world in the flesh so that He could experience both painful moments and celebrations. Our strongest declaration is that He has conquered death and brought us victory because of His love for us. It is He who has sent the Holy Spirit to be our constant guide our ever-present comfort – the bringer of all His gifts. 

We do not always experience freedom from adversity or pain because we live in the world where freedom to choose is undeniable. Not everyone will choose justice or compassion, mercy, or sacrifice, but He has promised to be with us in it and through it, and who is there better or more worthy of our hope and our trust? Who else is there to stand and offer such Joy? None – absolutely none! So, wherever and however you are today, delight in knowing Him. Continue to seek him persistently, to know Him more each day so that this love gift of Joy is yours in its fullness, and then expect answers with the fire of heaven. 

Peace be to you and your family as we celebrate together the Joy of the World – Immanuel. 

Steve and Khanya