Parental Witness: Salvation

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I know that you have wept for me, your spiritual father, and your tears are dear to me. I can’t wait to see you again! I’m filled with joy as I think of your strong faith that was passed down through your family line. It began with your grandmother Lois, who passed it on to your dear mother, Eunice. And it’s clear that you too are following in the footsteps of their godly example

2 Timothy 1: 4-5 (TPT) 

Parents who have a personal relationship with Jesus will be aware of the great responsibility they have in nurturing and caring for their children. They will look for opportunities to bring their children up knowing about Jesus and the God they serve so that their children also decide to follow Jesus throughout their lives.  

Here is our story for this message - we should say that what follows is not based on a true story, although somehow it seems as if it will be remarkably close to the truth within many Christian families. 

Brian and Josephine looked at each other briefly as they waited for the traffic lights to change, and the smile spoke of their immense satisfaction. Sundays were great days for the family – the morning worship service was a blessing, and the fellowship was an ideal opportunity for socialising. The two girls were dressed for the occasion and Brian and Josephine were happy and proud to see them eager for Sunday school. Every week the children received a lesson that spoke about the Bible and the stories within, and the two girls always looked forward to juice and tray-bake while waiting for their parents to fetch them after service. Then of course, there was always Sunday Lunch. what a treat! 

Weekdays were rather different, and I suppose that is why Sunday seemed so special. The girls went to school and the parents went to work. In truth the family was quite disjointed on weekdays. Work was tough and stories of the day were shared when the family sat at the dinner table together (that didn’t always happen of course}, and even then, talk seemed to focus on that friend who was suddenly an enemy. Fortunately, almost without fail the next day the sudden enemy would re-join the ranks of friendship. And so, the week went on until at last it was Saturday (Snooze and Shopping Day), followed by Sunday’s fellowship and smiles all round. 

In our imaginary story, everyone was just busy with life, and it seems that beyond Sundays little more happened at home to build upon the children’s Sunday School experiences. Perhaps Brian and Josephine were satisfied that Sunday School was a sufficient ‘Christian’ education and that their responsibility was being fulfilled. Of course, there would be bedtime prayers when possible and maybe even a bible story occasionally to supplement, yet in all this consistency was lacking. 

Salvation is not inherited. At some point, (and God knows for each of us when that time is) we must make a personal decision for Jesus as saviour because we become responsible individuals. Are our children protected under the covering of their parents whilst still under their authority? Yes, we believe they are, and yet as parents we must recognise that we must eventually release them, and they will need to choose Jesus for themselves. We cannot save them, only Jesus can do that, but as parents we can witness our lives as a testimony through our imitation of Christ. The way we speak, the actions we take, the love we show and the worship we share, all these things point our children to the King. If we do these with consistency, both by practical witness and worship time together then the King is well pleased because you have planted the seed and watered it.  

Sunday School is a wonderful and important opportunity for your children. However, we should not rely upon it for the total witness of Jesus to our family. Your witness as parents is the mainstay and the anchor, and Sunday School is the supplement. So, let your relationship, your life and influence be the witness with greatest impact in preparing your children for a wise decision. 

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. 

John 3:16-18 (NLT)