Son of Man or Son of God

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Where ‘Son’ is used, unless the reference is specifically to Jesus, this represents both male and female


Many people are given gifts that change the course of their lives, perhaps the gift of a scholarship or the gift of a well and pump in the middle of a dry land. If you have received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, then the gift of redemption, a gift of immeasurable value has been given to change the course of your eternity. 

Every gift must be received, and more than that - it must be used. The giver may give freely but the receiver must still act upon the gift to fully understand it, value it, and share it with others. If you have received Christ’s immeasurable gift, it is time to decide whether to leave it idle and unused, or to act upon the declaration of faith you have made in Jesus. If you choose to use the gift and exercise it, then you must also change your name to better match the new you. Within Christ’s gift is the miracle of a transformation beyond anything that could be imagined by the human mind – a completely new identity.   

What follows is an attempt to explain the completeness of the gift you have claimed as your own so that you will understand the fullness of your identity in Christ and eagerly grasp your true status. If you do, then you and everyone around you becomes a beneficiary. 

When a scholarly Jew told Jesus that he recognised him to be a teacher from God, Jesus took the opportunity to make a stunning declaration about the Kingdom realm: 

One night he discreetly came to Jesus and said, “Master, we know that you are a teacher from God, for no one performs the miracle signs that you do, unless God’s power is with him.” Jesus answered, “Nicodemus, listen to this eternal truth: Before a person can perceive God’s kingdom realm, they must first experience a rebirth.” Nicodemus said, “Rebirth? How can a gray-headed man be reborn? It’s impossible for a man to go back into the womb a second time and be reborn!” Jesus answered, “I speak an eternal truth: Unless you are born of water and Spirit-wind, you will never enter God’s kingdom realm. For the natural realm can only give birth to things that are natural, but the spiritual realm gives birth to supernatural life! 

John 3: 2-6 (TPT) 

Sons of Men: 

To keep things simple, let us say that ‘Son of Man’ applies to all born of human parentage. The Bible has many references to the title ‘Son of Man’, and it appears in both the old and new testaments. 

Then He said to me, “Son of man, stand on your feet and I will speak to you.”  

Ezekial 2:1(AMP) 

We are aware that Jesus also used this title, and he is often referred to as ‘Son of Man’, but we will come back to that in a moment. Although God had breathed His life and light into Adam, the fall of Man in the garden of Eden resulted in that light being extinguished. Every person from this point forward born by human reproduction inherited Adam's status - having natural life without the spiritual life of God. A friend preaching around this topic described the offspring of Adam as “dead men walking”. Everyone has a spirit because the ultimate source of your being is God himself, and in that sense, God is a father to all of us, yet that spirit is either alive with the light of God or it is lifeless.  Our inheritance from Adam was natural life and nothing more, facing a future without the presence of God.  

Jesus used the title ‘Son of Man’ with reference to himself because He had both natural and supernatural life. He is the Son of God, and he came as a man so He could redeem us. He was conceived by the spirit; but born from the womb.  

Then suddenly the voice of the Father shouted from the sky, saying, “This is the Son I love, and my greatest delight is in him.” 

Matthew 3:17 (TPT) 

Sons of God: 

The exciting news of the gospel is that we ‘Sons of Men’ who grasp Christ’s gift of redemption receive new life. Just as Jesus was crucified and resurrected, so are we with Him. This new life is not simply a new understanding or a new start (although these are important and very much a part of it). It is far more than new in any physical sense – it is about supernatural life! It is about a miracle so monumental that it is impossible to describe in any way that may do it justice. We are trying nonetheless to give a sense of at least the magnitude of it. 

God is not limited unless it is a self-declared Word that He himself honours. So, as the only source of life and all authority, He was able to bring himself to earth as a man in order to pursue His perfect solution to rescue us from our rebellion against Him. Yes, such was His love for us that despite the rebel in us, He pursued us. His plan to redeem us from the consequences of sin without removing our self-will was a beautiful act of sacrifice in the person of Jesus. This enabled the intimacy of relationship to be restored to us, and the assurance of an eternity in God’s presence. What Jesus accomplished was to remove the obstruction of sin that caused death in Adam and his descendants. Humankind has nothing more than natural life, but in those who accept Jesus, the spirit has been illuminated – the light of God has awakened within you and now you have supernatural life. You have been utterly transformed. The magnitude of this miracle is no less than taking dry bones from the ground and transforming those dead and dried up things into a person with the fullness of life. You have been called back from the dead. 

Jesus was the Son of God who also became a Son of Man. We however are the Sons and Daughters of Men who have become through His mercy - Sons and Daughters of God. 

But those who are worthy of the resurrection from the dead into glory become immortal, like the angels, who never die nor marry. When the dead come to life again, they will be sons of God’s life—the sons of the resurrection. 

Luke 20:35-36 (TPT) 

He came to His own, and His own people did not accept Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.  

John 1:11-12 (NASB)  


Change your Mind: 

The purpose of this message is to encourage all who have accepted Jesus as Lord to identify themselves correctly.   

Once we carried the likeness of the man of dust, but now let us carry the likeness of the Man of heaven. 

1 Corinthians 15:49 (TPT)

It is true that our final transformation is not complete until the mortal becomes immortal at Christ’s return, nonetheless, we have received the Holy Spirit as an engagement ring and we are sealed in His blood and announced as heirs of the Kingdom, God’s very own: 

Now we’re no longer living like slaves under the law, but we enjoy being God’s very own sons and daughters! And because we’re his, we can access everything our Father has—for we are heirs of God through Jesus, the Messiah! 

Galatians 4:7 (TPT) 

So, why are we repeating things you may have heard before? It is because many who are called to salvation never experience the fullness of life that is their gift. When you accepted Jesus, you gained more than redemption because that freedom from sin’s grasp has opened a treasure chest of immense opportunity. Why would you continue to say that you are just a ‘Son of Man’, and so by that very declaration limit yourself, limit your purpose, and deny the full gift of God bought for you at so great a price. See yourself as God himself now sees you!  If you lack this vision, It's time for a change of mind – a time for repentance. Accept the title He has earned for you and given freely - yes you - ‘Son of God’ 

A Matter of Authority: 

It is not simply a matter of title; it is a matter of authority.  No-one is saved to detach themselves from the world and wait things out until He returns.  All of us have a purpose in this life and we are called to operate in His authority in the land of the living – today, right now!  You are expected to show up on the battlefield to break the plans of the enemy, to win souls and witness Jesus. If you still have the mindset of just a ‘Son of Man’, how do you partner with Christ and use the authority He has bestowed on you? He has given you rights as His fully adopted son or daughter, an heir with authority in the present - in the power of His name. So, turn away from the past. You have been crucified with Him, now turn to see His face. 

Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you! 

Isaiah 60:1 (TPT) 



Make no mistake, our decision is important.  If we choose to stay rooted in the world and continue to see ourselves as just a ‘son of man’, surely, we are short-changing Jesus on every level. Even though He has shined His light of life into us, if our hearts and minds are still conformed to the world, how will we prosper and fulfil our destiny? When we accept that we are heirs of the kingdom enabled with authority in Jesus’ name, then we will be blessed and so will everyone we encounter.  

This is not a message that is intended to promote you in your own eyes. Everything is about Jesus. He enables and equips us to labour in the fields for His glory. We must recognise that the gift of salvation comes with a special rank, as we assume the role of a bondservant – a slave for Christ: 

And He summoned the crowd together with His disciples, and said to them, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me. 

Mark 8:33-34 (NASB) 

As a bondservant of the King we can truly rejoice, because in His service we will be completely satisfied:

But I will never, no never, lift my faithful love from off their lives. My kindness will prevail and I will never disown them

Psalm 89:33 (TPT) 

Ask the Holy Spirit to instruct you, to transform you. Let His vision of you be your vision also. 

Welcome to the harvest fields – Son or Daughter of God. 

Our prayer is that as you begin to have a conversation with the Lord He will overwhelm you with revelation and clear purpose, for indeed we are more than conquerors in Jesus, and we are here to enforce His victory. May the Lord of life bless you and keep you.

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Steve and Khanya