What Does Your Marriage Reflect?

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Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. 

Ephesians 5:1-2 (NLT) 

Being a giver is important in the life of everyone who follows Jesus. We are called to imitate Him in everything we do, so being a giver with a pure heart and without selfish motives produces within us not only a worthy witness and reflection of the God we serve, but it moves heaven to do miracles in our lives and in the lives of our family. Everything about the life and purpose of Jesus centred around giving – He was the ultimate giver - be like Him! Christian marriage should reflect the character of Jesus as we give everything we have to each other as spouses. Our giving should dramatically reflect to everyone around us the love and service that Christ gives to His bride – the church. We are a light that illuminates the darkness around us, advertising the nature of God’s purpose as a sacrificial lover of those He has saved by giving himself. 

In the marriage relationship, giving should be total in every sense. We give our love without condition, and we share all our resources; money, property, and goods. We give sacrificially to serve the needs of our spouse without selfish motives, physically and emotionally. We abandon every urge to seek self-interest for the service of each other and our family. We pray and we worship together. If you are reading or listening to this as a Christian spouse, and you find yourself right now in the middle of a process of ‘self-justification,’ you might be arguing that this ideal of unlimited giving is too lofty to achieve. With all respect, for a follower of Jesus this should be the norm rather than the exception. Givers who give with a Christlike attitude achieve complete satisfaction. They also present themselves as a light and as a powerful witness. They do not have to plan their witness to the world as a special event, because their life is a witness constantly on display and this is a powerful thing.   

There are great benefits to sacrificial giving because God always rewards obedience and sacrifice. This applies whatever your status, single or married, but for the purpose of this teaching, we continue to focus on marriage. When you apply the principles of selfless giving and service in your relationship you are releasing testimonies that are registered on heaven’s altar and entered into record as a witness that speaks on your behalf, and on behalf of your spouse and family. Your giving speaks for you in heaven to release breakthrough, to release blessings in your relationship. Therefore, giving with a pure heart is important. We want to present before the throne of grace and in the presence of God a pleasing aroma that speaks for us. Giving with a right heart releases a judicial testimony. This testimony that calls upon the Blood of Jesus allows God to render judgements for you in Heaven’s courts so that Justice reigns over your marriage. 

In Matthew chapter 19 we read the story of the Rich young Ruler. This young man who was faithful to the law of Moses was eager to discover what else he needed to do to gain eternal life. This is how Jesus responded: 

Jesus said to him, “If you really want to be perfect, go immediately and sell everything you own. Give your money to the poor and your treasure will be transferred into heaven. Then come back and follow me for the rest of your life.” 

When the young man heard these words, he walked away angry, for he was extremely wealthy.. 

Matthew 19:21-22 (TPT) 

The message to this young man was to be a sacrificial giver and see a reward as his wealth was stored in heaven. His giving would release testimony in heaven that would speak on his behalf. His wealth in the literal sense would have no value to him when he arrived in heaven - he would have no opportunity to use it then, but Jesus was speaking of the judgements and blessings that would flow through his life on earth because of selfless giving. It is unfortunate that the young man could not understand this because although obedient to religious duty, his heart was still rooted in worldly things.  

What does your marriage reflect - are you a sacrificial giver following God’s plan for marriage? 

Steve and Khanya 

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