The God Identity

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Your True Identity in Christ

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Your True Identity in Christ Stephen and Khanya Henderson

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Children of God: 

The exciting news of the gospel is that we ‘sons and daughters of men’ who accept Christ’s gift of redemption receive new life. Just as Jesus was crucified and resurrected, so are we with Him. This ‘new life’ is not simply a new understanding or a new start. It is far more than new in any physical sense – it is about supernatural life! It is about something too marvellous for words. 

God brought himself to earth as a man to rescue us from our rebellion against Him. Such was His love for us that despite our constant rejection He pursued us. His plan to redeem us from the consequences of our sin without removing our self-will was a beautiful act of sacrifice in the person of Jesus. He surrendered His life at the cross to enable the restoration of intimate relationship with God. Every one of us born from Adam inherits the sinful nature. Sin creates a barrier between the creator and His creation - an obstacle impossible for us to overcome in our own strength. Humankind has nothing more than natural life, we were all ‘dead men walking’, but in those who accept the sacrifice of Jesus, the spirit has been illuminated – the light of God has awakened within you and now you have supernatural life. You have been utterly transformed. Jesus offers us eternal life with Him as a free gift. His death has paid the full price of our sin and we are restored. The magnitude of this is staggering. It is no less than taking dry bones from the ground and transforming those dead and dried up things into a person with the fullness of life. Believer, you have been called back from the dead.

Jesus was the ‘Son of God’ who also became a ‘Son of Man’. We however are the sons and daughters of men who have become through His mercy sons and daughters of God. 

He came to His own, and His own people did not accept Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.  

John 1:11-12 (NASB)  


Change your Mind: 

The purpose of this message is to encourage all who have accepted Jesus to identify themselves correctly. The enemy is constantly at work, trying to discourage Christians, and many have lived a life of inaction and unfulfilled destiny. Wake up to your ‘new life’ with assurance and confidence in your true identity:   

Once we carried the likeness of the man of dust, but now let us carry the likeness of the Man of heaven. 

1 Corinthians 15:49 (TPT)

Our final transformation will be complete when the mortal becomes immortal on Christ’s return, but even now we have received the Holy Spirit as an engagement ring, and we are sealed in His blood and announced as heirs of the Kingdom, God’s very own: 

Now we’re no longer living like slaves under the law, but we enjoy being God’s very own sons and daughters! And because we’re his, we can access everything our Father has—for we are heirs of God through Jesus, the Messiah! 

Galatians 4:7 (TPT) 

Because you are His, you have access to everything as an heir and a beloved son or daughter. When you accepted Jesus, you gained more than redemption because that freedom from sin’s grasp has opened a treasure of opportunity. Why would you continue to say that you are ordinary, and so by that very declaration limit yourself, limit your purpose, and deny the full gift of God bought for you at so great a price. See yourself as God himself now sees you!  If you lack this vision, It's time for a change of mind – a time for repentance. Accept the title He has earned for you and given freely - Son or Daughter of God, heir of salvation.

The importance of Authority: 

It is not simply a matter of title; it is a matter of authority.  All of us have a purpose in this life and we are called to operate in His authority in the land of the living – today. We are expected to show up on the battlefield to break the plans of the enemy, to win souls and witness Jesus. If you still have the mindset of just ordinary, how do you partner with Christ and use the authority He has bestowed on you? He has given you rights as His fully adopted son or daughter with authority in the present - in the power of His name. What a partnership! We have been given the authority to ask and declare, and Jesus holds the power to manifest it. There is nothing ordinary about a child of God. So, turn away from the past - you have been crucified with Him, now turn to see His face. Ask the Holy Spirit to transform you. Let His vision of you be your vision also. 

Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you! 

Isaiah 60:1 (TPT) 

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Steve and Khanya