The God Identity

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Made for Relationship

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Made for Relationship Stephen and Khanya Henderson

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Now, may the grace and joyous favour of the Lord Jesus Christ, the unambiguous love of God, and the precious communion that we share in the Holy Spirit be yours continually. Amen! 

2 Corinthians 13:14 (TPT)

It is in hard times when we are tested that we appreciate more fully the meaning of love and relationship.  Our whole being and everything in us constantly cries out for communion; for conversation and laughter, for shared joy and sometimes shared tears.  Relationship is the engine of our identity - we were made for it.  In God’s image we reflect Him who is the source and author of relationship.  Without communion with each other, we wither because it is life to our souls.   

Look at this baby’s face.  Even the most eloquent speaker amongst us or the most gifted wordsmith would surely struggle to convey the messages that are written in this face.  The expression captured as a moment in time speaks volumes about the power of relationship.  Even this child, too young to speak, creates a thousand words in a single smile and an entire book in the expectation of those eyes.  How great is our God! 

Let us never underestimate the importance and the power of relationship with those around us and with God himself who also cries out for relationship with us, desiring to share our joys and our burdens.   

As we passage through this global coronavirus crisis, we are led to isolate ourselves to help contain this virus. Many of us will be in our homes with spouses or family members, but many others may be truly isolated and very much alone - starved of relationship. All of us will have a sense of imbalance as physical contact with friends, relatives and workmates is denied.  Let us look to Him who is always ready to listen and respond.  No wall and no affliction can ever separate you from Him.  Let Him be the encourager of your soul and your certain hope:

You’re as real to me as bedrock beneath my feet,
like a castle on a cliff, my forever firm fortress,
my mountain of hiding, my pathway of escape,
my tower of rescue where none can reach me.
My secret strength and shield around me,
you are salvation’s ray of brightness shining on the hillside,
always the champion of my cause.

Psalm 18:2 (TPT)

Let all of us rise up as witnesses of God’s Grace, and take the lead in communicating with those who are isolated and alone, and those that may need extra support.  Even as churches, community venues and social services close or become limited, let us remember to call a friend, a workmate, our family members, and to speak words of life and confidence to each other.  Use technology to keep the bonds of fellowship and relationship strong.  Find inventive ways of communicating, sharing and helping.  And keep calling on the one who is mighty to save.

Finally, let us in constant worship pray that those key workers called to life saving services would be under His supernatural protection and abounding in favour and strength. That they would be prioritised for supplies and the protection needed to ensure that they can continue to serve. Let our leaders be filled with the wisdom that comes as a gift from the throne of grace to make good and timely decisions.

May the Lord Bless you and keep you.

Please share this with someone who will be encouraged or who will become a great encourager to others.

Steve and Khanya