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Building the Family Altar

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The Family Altar Steve and Khanya Henderson

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For I have known (chosen, acknowledged) him [as My own], so that he may teach and command his children and [the sons of] his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is righteous and just, so that the Lord may bring upon Abraham what He has promised him.

Genesis 18:19 (AMP)

Building Foundations:

When we worship God, we do so in the knowledge that He is most worthy to receive our praise. Our submission in worship is our source of greatest benefit. As we engage in communion with Him, our worship has a transformational effect. As we approach Him in humility, we align with Him and to His will, stepping away from selfish ambition. By removing every barrier and hindrance, praise opens us to receive wisdom and blessing.

A key of effective worship is coming to the ‘Altar’. Most Christians have built an altar - it is that private designated place of meeting with Him that we often refer to as ‘our closet’ or the ‘inner room’. This is the altar where we spend time with the King to praise Him and listen to His voice. This is the place Jesus talks about in Matthew 6:

But whenever you pray, go into your innermost chamber and be alone with Father God, praying to him in secret.

Matthew 6:6a (TPT)

Of course, we can pray and worship anywhere and we do, but there is something very special about setting up an altar - a physical place in your own home established as a place of worship. The significance of building the altar is that it speaks about the intent of your heart. You are establishing a physical point of reference as a place of holiness, set apart for spiritual intimacy. In doing so, you have declared that this is special and very far from ordinary. If you have a personal altar like this, then in your marriage you should also build a ‘marriage altar’ and when there are children or other family members in your house, a ‘family altar’. Purpose in your heart to set apart a place and a time for the King to meet you and your family. We believe that this is the root of transformation in family relationships. We have witnessed its blessings.

Meeting God together:

For many, there is a personal place of meeting, but often this has not been extended to a place of family worship. For some, prayer for the family in private is sufficient. We are writing today to suggest that this is not sufficient. Meeting together for family worship and praise opens a new dimension that is absolutely critical. It’s not about the nature of the place you choose, for many that place is the sofa in the corner, but it is very much about the decision you make. Your choice is about to reap a reward for your marriage and for the prosperity of your children and every family member under your spiritual authority - hell is about to be shaken! Your family altar is the place that brings all of you under blessing together. This is the place where heaven touches earth - a meeting place like no other where your offering of praise and dedication brings transformation. Husband or single parent - whoever has spiritual authority in the home and over the family residing there please consider the importance of the family altar. When you bring your family to an altar of worship, you are presenting them before the throne of grace and the King is well pleased.

The altar is the place where your children witness who you really are as you demonstrate your faith and declare your praises. Never underestimate how important it is for your family to see you worshipping and speaking good things over them. It affirms them, it seals their sense of security, it displays your love over them. This is the place where they will receive the fruits of your faithfulness and sacrifice for them. When you bring your family members to the altar it builds them up and unites you all. Parents, we want to encourage you in this. Pray for your children in private, but also pray for, and with your children in the gathering at the family altar. Their ability to resist the negative influences of the world and develop a strong sense of identity is increased by their experience of family unity and love at the altar. Parents, this is what success looks like!

Fulfilling Genesis 18:19

Our opening scripture from Genesis is God’s command to Abraham, not only for his generation but for future generations through his sons. This command to teach our children is addressed to all who follow Christ. As adopted sons and daughters, grafted into the root by the blood of Christ, we too are descendants of Abraham. We are told to teach the ways of the Lord so that each generation will follow His ways. The family altar is the place where we do that as we instruct and build faith; have fun together, share questions, teach and encourage each other.

We urge you to build your personal and marriage altars, and if you have children and family, set up family worship. This is not something for young children that you will eventually give up. This is not simply an opportunity for a bedtime reading and prayer before sleep - it may begin this way when your children are very young, but this altar is something that should remain. It must become a dynamic activity, inspiring, uplifting and exciting for everyone - something that develops and changes as the family grows older. This is you bringing your family to the knowledge of salvation and the love of the King so that they are prepared for their own personal commitment. Even after they have all left your home, let your marriage altar and personal altar still cover them, blessing them and speaking life over them wherever they are physically and spiritually.


For the moment, we want to leave you with this message on the importance of building altars and the spiritual significance of this. Our hope is that those who are not currently engaging in couples and family worship will desire to do so and be blessed by that decision. Whatever happens in life, your investment at the altar will not return void - benefits will come in due time. The altar always involves your sacrifice in love, dedication, time and energy on behalf of your family. Our personal experience is that God honours your determination and consistent trust. Get excited because despite the odd missed appointment and occasional sighs from growing teenagers, your effort is about to bear fruit.

The Practical Application of Family Worship:

We would like to suggest some practical approaches to family worship - how you can keep this relevant, exciting and significant. We plan to continue this in our next blog - Family Worship and the Power of Blessing. We will speak about ideas for worship, how to sustain worship and excitement. We also want to explain the power of a blessing at the family altar.

Join us again soon.

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Thank You.

Steve and Khanya. (Joshua 24:15)