The God Identity

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The Bridegroom Sings

We are constrained to encourage you further in building your image and identity in Christ.

God is so joyful over those who choose to follow Him and trust in the saving grace of Jesus that He chose long before the arrival of Messiah to prophecy a beautiful declaration of love over His children, His bride in waiting. This love letter is Song of Songs (‘Song of Solomon’).

This beautiful piece of romantic writing by King Solomon has been read by many as a poem of love between Solomon and his bride. On the surface it appears so, a lesson in romance and intimacy. In truth it is much more, a wonderful picture that portrays Christ and His Bride (the Church). At the time it was written, it was a prophetic illustration of God’s love for us and His desire to be in relationship with us. It is a song of love and rescue, to call us back as His very own. A prophecy fulfilled in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

This book of scripture is also an amazing illustration for married couples of the depth of love and compassion we should give to each other as we seek to imitate Christ. Your relationship will grow as you understand the depth of love God has for you and your spouse.

The Passion Translation reveals this love story with a focus on portraying Christ responding to His bride. We hope you will read it.

If you are still in any doubt about the incredible nature of Christ’s love for you, your spouse and indeed all His children, then be mightily encouraged by this amazing declaration.

For you reach into my heart.

With one flash of your eyes I am undone by your love,

my beloved, my equal, my bride.

You leave me breathless—

I am overcome

by merely a glance from your worshiping eyes,

for you have stolen my heart.

I am held hostage by your love

and by the graces of righteousness shining upon you.

Song of Songs 4:9 (TPT)

If you would like to read this version in digital format, we are aware of the following apps that have the Passion Translation available. (Others may be available)

YouVersion Bible App

Bible Gateway App

The Words of the Bridegroom-King from Song of Songs Chapter 4.

Enjoy the love letter.

Steve and Khanya