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God is all about relationship

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God Is All About Relationship Stephen and Khanya Henderson

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This blog has been edited and updated with scripture from the Passion Translation (TPT) and an audio version has been included. (April 2021) 

Then God said: “Let Us make a man and a woman in Our image, to be like Us. Let them rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the livestock, over the creatures that creep along the ground, and over the wild animals. So, God created man and woman and shaped them with his image inside them. In his own beautiful image, he created his masterpiece. Yes, male and female he created them.”  

Genesis 1:26-27 (TPT)


In this opening blog we have been inspired to say something about God and relationship. The Holy Spirit is leading us on a journey of self-discovery and the communication of His heart for all of us. We speak not as theologians, but we speak what we believe the Holy Spirit has deposited in us. We hope you will join us for this journey as we write teaching blogs that reveal God’s plan for Christian marriage, family life and relationship building. 

An awareness of the importance that God places on relationship and the extent of His passion to pursue you is important for everyone. How will you manage to love your spouse and your family with a love that is unconditional and lasts a lifetime unless you are convinced that such a love is possible. You will discover that possibility in God’s love pursuit of you in the person of Jesus Christ. 

God is relationship:

The first chapters of the book of Genesis have a wealth of hidden treasures and Genesis 1:26-27 is one of them. These verses reveal God’s love, passion, and His great intent. The God of the Bible is chasing after you. He is a God who is all about relationship. His purpose is clear - He has made you in His likeness; to announce Him, reflect His character and to rule the world He created for you. As our opening scripture declares you are his ‘masterpiece.’ 

In Genesis 1:26, the sudden use of the plural “Let Us,” and “Our Image” and “Like Us” directs our thoughts to the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That God is three persons in one tells a simple truth - God is relationship, and if He made us in his likeness, then we have been made to reflect His character in the relationships we build with each other. 

Freedom of choice is a vital part of relationship. Without choice, relationship is not possible because relationship is a response to each other that is based on freedom of will. As we read the opening chapters of the book of Genesis, we discover a significant impact of free will. Humanity chose to reject God’s direction and follow a different path. This split happened in the garden as Adam and Eve disobeyed instruction and allowed sin to take root. God did not move away from those He created; they chose to move away from Him. God wanted to embrace humanity, but sin created a chasm that separated them. For man to bridge this gulf of separation is impossible, but God had a plan for pursuit - He was never going to let you go without providing a way of rescue back into His arms for those who desire it.

Jesus - The Word

Jesus came in the flesh to reveal the true heart of God toward His people. As a man, Jesus was able to show and prove the love God has for His creation. God’s pursuit of you through Jesus was a passion that led Him to die in our place. All choices have consequences and Jesus took the damaging consequences of man’s separation from God upon himself. We were on a journey of eternal separation, but Jesus redeemed us sacrificing himself so that the obstacle of sin would be removed, so that we could choose to turn back and enjoy eternity with Him. The resurrection of Jesus is our confirmation of victory.

He canceled out every legal violation we had on our record and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us. He erased it all—our sins, our stained soul—he deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved! Everything we once were in Adam has been placed onto his cross and nailed permanently there as a public display of cancellation.

Colossians 2:14 (TPT)

This is the power of love at work, and the persistence of God to rescue His relationship with you. It shows how much God values us and wants us to reflect the true nature of relationship with each other. He wants us to choose relationships that reflect His likeness, bearing good fruit – relationships that bring life and share His passion of undying and selfless love.

Steve and Khanya

Thank you for joining us. Please continue the journey with us as we share messages that reveal God’s plan for relationships in Christian marriage and family life.

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